+ De Unos //& Ceros +

+ I had a dream once, and in my dream I become a person who struggles to change the  inevitable in my dream I felt joy and happines even though things were going the wrong way. I felt like I needed to scream, but I prefered to Laugh... In my dream I felt desolation and Sorrow, but then I woke up...

Now you're here, right? Well you think that. Reading someting you dont have the less clue what's about and how's the Source code on my neural system. Ok, I tell you why we're here:

Have you never wonder... The meaning of the 2 in the New Era and in the Name of this "1001010101111"? What if one day you wake up and everything looks like a bad Andy Warhol picture misd with some of Magritte's Surrealismus? What would you do then, go out and say hi to your Flying Dog which is chasing some apples upside? Go inside the basement, through those stairs that go right up til the Heaven? And what if you go up and up and suddenly bam! You hit yourself with a moonray that were comming your way? And then, you wake up, pluged into a big terminal in wich everythings empty, an empty room of 5x4 mt all painted in white, you're staring up to something, that odd feeling that flows from your stmoach til your chest, and all the cold that races trhough your arms til' your hands, the droops fall of your fingers and the only though on your mind is the one that Can make the bodu crumble... You know what I mean, right? That familiar emptyness that feels like having a fucking piece of plastic allowed there, a big and heavy piece of plastic that makes a bug on every function of your body, your brain haves a blackout, your mouth has a missfunction, and all the implants of your body freak out that thing that feels like a virus going faster and faster through every conecction of your medulla, and as every Virus you gotta get rid of it... But you don't know how... Don't know.

"We" use to call that thing by the Name of: "heart" well, you call it "heart" I call it...


Then it's simple as this:

    def getx(self): return self.__x
    def setx(self, value): self.__x = value
    def delx(self): del self.__x
    x = 
2(getx, setx, delx, "I'm the 'x' 1110100.")

Time it's a Useless thing... build up like an operative system for that virus to Spread on your Self.

So Long, and:

-Conecting Through WAN miniport (PPPOE) to GODSERVER.com-

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At The End... Eveything's Meaningles















Open your mouth... Breathe. You are a Lie to Me


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+ 11001020111.... 2? +



By DamianDior

