+ [Agateo.phobia] +
Everything is Fucked Up | I miss Myself
The times are changing so fast | I wonder how long it lasts.
The clock is ticking time is running Out.
I need Euthanasia | I need more Alcohol.
How long will this Last? | I have no Will to Stand Up.
Is this as stupid as I think it is? | Probably, but don't ask Me.
Look all the Things I've Done,
Is this the Way to Carry On?
I Miss... You?
~[L3T GO]~
+ Today I speak softly. speak softly.
NO LOUD WORDS. annoying midis out please.
I want to keep this way. get along in a whisper.
later, I may scream -a bad English speech voice.
we, together.
I live in a tiny world.
I'm a frikin' human girl. kissmeiamawebmistress.
and today -it was today?- I discovered a replica.
I'm not original damn, nobody is. what a shit. 404.
I'll throw myself to the trashcan but i don't enter in. size.
my cross section reveals my look. in pieces I'm alike.
my pieces my limbs are like anothers'.
we all aren't so different I guess. I knew it too late.
Press any key to Continue.
Dead Space.
are you deaf?
I like it. it sounds like my damn tomorrow.
people say that I had an interesting life [I died? already?]
but people...
who knows me! they think they know me by few dead lines.
no, no, no. it isn't so easy. I'm sorry.
the circle it's different.
the cathedral of my body it's the unofficial whole.
the one for myself and for others?
send me a message view my profile BREED yahoo.
I'm a...
hysteric screams feel the crying in deep red in front of the pc.
you can pronounce it.
air, let it go. air.
much better now, thank you for your question that asked nothing.
I'm a prostitute a mindsucker.
head injuries. pose and wake up by my side all is around
come on give it to me quickly slow connection blame it.
this is lame.
X/>=¡tag993300#>'?@alive***´_blank¬¬;nsc>open.win63%a new scrollbar=)pop-upXXXX'...'
another blue screenshot. Bill Gates I hate you. esc. alt gr. control. win.
you're so stupid. a kick is what you need. I'm gonna pull up my ADSL by force.
kinky colours and terminal fonts. weak days... HTML is my [another] Obsession.
Reality is a Pixel.
[m . e . d . i . c . a . t . i . o . n]
Halcyon. Prozac. Dicel. Adofen. Donormil. Tranxilium. Minilip. Polaramine. Fluoxetine.
I hated and hate hospitals. The cold metallic beds. The white. The nurses. The inquisitive glances. I didn't want to go there.
I'm self-destructive, but I keep some dreams and a stupid future. This time I haven't got courage to put off with my life.
Ha ha ha ha ha. My road over my scars.
My madness, my Lies,
the World I made and Loved and now I despite. +
For Celine
by Oz