+ Pathology Pt.II +
~I feel like some people actions should be repaid. I would love to cut their heads off and gauge out their eyes… Everyone likes souvenirs. Everyone needs a victim.
I have been really busy with different things. I crushed a few projects of mine, with the most recent being a beautiful girl with the biggest ego and a bitchy attitude to match. Even the strong personalities can be destroyed; it all comes down to your perseverance and strategy. I am finding a few trends are coming up. For example, I like to hurt people repetitively, so as opposed to breaking someone and moving on, I like to be consistent (I like to break them, and then build them up, only to break them all over again). I find that people have a limit or an expiry date, after so many disappointments they tend to keep breaking down to a point where they become numb (almost sociopathic). This numbness in a way would probably be the essence of despair and hopelessness (or a nervous breakdown). I don't know why I go to such lengths, from a psychological level, I would say it is because I want to show them what it feels to be numb, experience what I experience, although I think its much more than that (I don't know).
You could say what I am doing is cruel, but if you look at it differently you could say I am liberating them, for when we hit rock bottom, we have no restraints, we have nothing else to lose, so we become free. So am I really freeing people from themselves or destroying their spirit. I have a few new recent projects. The way I am playing it is by being the best person they ever met. I am their perfect soul mate. I invest a lot of my energy to get to this point, but once I know they have fallen for me unconditionally, then the real fun begins. Its like when a surgeon waits for the anaesthetic to kick in before he starts to operate. Love is such a great tool to use, you can beat your woman and watch her wounds heal, or you can rip her heart out and kill her emotions to a point where she breaks down, never being the same. I prefer psychological over physical abuse. The second you hit someone, you become exposed as a possible abuser (the victim can usually put two and two together, you hit me = you bad), but you can psychologically abuse someone for years without them knowing you are the cause of their pain (its such an art form).
All these games have been interesting, but I still don't get any real enjoyment from it. I manipulate them, I fuck them, I leave them, and its still all the same...Nothing. I have interacted with, bitches, hoes, religious freaks, but also nice and kind people. In some way I was hoping to establish some connection. I am constantly bored, my games are getting old. On a business level, I have started to instigate problems at my work, never underestimate the power of office propaganda. I have been manipulating the shit kickers at work (low level workers), increasing their disgruntled side. It has got to a point where management has had to be called in for a staff meeting(s). Everyday I amplify the complaining at work, and push people to ask for pay raises, currently 3 people have quit due to their dislike for management. It is nice to know that my work is paying off, infiltrating the company to make problems for it is working like a charm, I will leave it soon though, its boring me.
So why am I doing this. Well the main reason being, I don't like companies who promote paedophilia based on profits. I may be without emotions, but I do have logical and rational. I despise those who hold the dollar greater than anything else in this world. Peasants selling their selves to get rich. I don't want to be part of this capitalistic system, where human values are compromised by potential wealth (I know how ironic it sounds, coming from me, but look at the point I'm making). Anyway the company wont collapse (I'm a realist), but it will destabilize it for a few months effecting profits, and client numbers. I have done a lot of things in my life, but I have never targeted children, and I don't think I would get any enjoyment, as they aren't really a challenge. Anyone can manipulate or rape a child, but for what reason? People sleeping with babies, blood in their nappy, it doesn't appeal to me.
I realize how violent I can be; of course, this overture has become another courtain to rely on. Probably sooner I'll realize that medication can actually do some good, and save the World from what One day I'll do. My rage and anger... My mask of sanity is about to Slip.
Virtually yours,
Damian Dior.
[Sociopathic by Petronix].