+ Subject: Sex & Guilt +

Wed 4/29/08 11:47 AM.
Subject: Sex and Guilt.

~It seems that society at large feels the need to attach a certain level of guilt to all sexual activity. The level of guilt varies on a scale dependant on the sexual act in question. In the case of consenting adults who are both married and desirous of procreating, the guilt should be negligible. In the case where one of the participants realizes after the fact that the temptress he has just seduced is a minor, then the guilt level could hover somewhere around enormous.

No, I do not condone this, I am just making a point.

The problem with analysis is that those trained in the art of delving into the confines of another man's psyche often get lost in the depths and lose sight of the fact that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Also, an essential part of sex is the fantasy that is attached to it. While there are no boundaries, there still might be guilt. But guilt must be acknowledged before it can have any effect. I tried to confess once, but no one would listen. I agree with your statement that fantasy doesn't always need to become reality in order to be satisfying.

I do feel, however, that the boundaries of sexual behavior have been significantly expanded by the Internet in an inverse proportion to the anonymity that it provides.

The joke, of course, is that Internet sex is not sex at all, only typing.

Virtually yours,
D.D & P.B.
