+ R.I.P My Friend... Julian +
~Well, I know I should be writing this one on Spanish but there’s a simple reason not to do it and it’s that for once I do feel like this is something important to tell, I know perhaps I am “cold” as a lot of you motherfuckers call me, perhaps I am not a warm person or the kind of person you tell your problems to, but right now I honestly couldn’t care less.
Yesterday a very beloved friend of mine, an excellent musician and person I had a great sense of admiration was murdered by one Skinhead during a Fight that began with no apparent reason. He received a stab on his neck and some other of our friends got injured too and are currently on the hospital with non fatal but very dangerous wounds… You all know my position towards violence, you all know how do I feel when something like anger takes control and meaningless animal instinct is unleashed, this is the fucking reason I fucking hate violence,, because there are apes like those motherfucker skinheads that has no sense of fucking honor, how is it possible to take someone and stab it on the back? How fucking cowards are they uh!? I am in great sorrow, and my sense of loss is great right now, not like you fucking Said Johvana, you have no fucking idea of the fuck I feel, you all fucking care about you and you and YOU. YOU KNOW SHIT ABOUT ME and You know something else? I do fucking cry, I do fucking care about people, why am I acting like this? Because I had to press his wound while he was bleeding himself to dead while no one helped us, or any of our friends, because I still cannot believe those 10 minutes before that we were on the street laughing like idiots and waiting for a Bus. Goddamit, next time shut your fucking mouth and go to hell, don’t pretend you care about what I feel when you don’t but thanks for your Call anyways. And those motherfuckers think the got away with it, they wish!! To all of his friends, his girlfriend, my condolences, to his family, I Know perhaps I cannot explain the pain you’re feeling, and perhaps is the same I am going trough thinking he is still alive and this, all this seeming so fucking unreal, like a bad dream… We had a great concert yesterday; I even made fun of his hair… damn…
For all the times we share, the beers we had, the concerts, good times and bad times, you were a great person, beloved by every single person that got to know you and we wont forget and we wont leave this shit alone til some justice is made, because no one deserves to die that way… I hope you’re on a better place while we still root sharing this world with trash like that… I wish you the Best Julian. We Won’t Ever Forget You.

-Julian Prieto 1983/2007-
.: Darkest Hour – Doomsayer (The Beginning Of The End) :.
You are the only one
with the ability to turn this tide
with the capacity to learn the truth and burn the lies
that signalize our disgust
so come with me,
I'll be your doomsayer
and show you everything
that you'll never see
behind borrowed eyes
you're living in the end
you're not alone
decrepit monuments sit on their own thrones
the crushing weight relentless in its pull
resist! or be diluted with the rest
All we are
leads us to inherent insurgence
it leads you to deceive yourself
when you believe you've been bled dry
and aren't you sick of waiting for nothing
facilitating all your demons staring at the sun
I watched it rise and collide
with this dream where I had stopped
living in the past
stopped living with that crash/burn longing
it'll pass
it brings you to your knees
reliving that same nightmare where you realize..
And who can save you?
Not their gods and not their masters
and who will free you?
Look in the mirror.
By DamianDior